Two Mums Making Tracks from Alice to Sea for Tiny Tots

Imagine walking and riding for 35 days across some of the most harsh and isolated territories in Australia…  That is exactly what friends of 13 years George and Hollie are attempting in order to raise money and awareness for the Mercy Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and their perinatal research team.

It’s a cause that is very close to George’s heart.  “All three of my kids were born prematurely,” she says.  “Without medical intervention and expert knowledge of my complications my children and I would not be alive”.

In fact George conceived the idea for this epic adventure two years ago in the Mercy Hospital as she lay waiting for emergency surgery and the movie “Tracks” was on TV.  “Tracks” documents Robyn Davidson’s gruelling expedition from Alice Springs to Cable Beach.

“I was drawn to Robyn’s story and admired her sheer guts and determination,” George says.  “Half way through the movie I was wheeled down for my operation and I told the surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses that I was going to walk from Alice to the Sea one day so I better make it back to my room to watch the second half”.

A few days after the operation George watched the rest of the movie and committed to completing the trek.

On 1st June (exactly two years since that operation) George and Hollie will leave Alice Springs and begin the 1698 km journey to Cable Beach.  They will be out of phone range for at least 25 days.

Every year in Australia over 48,000 newborn babies need the help of the NICU.  Five babies are stillborn every single day.  This adventure is to acknowledge the joys and the hardships of pregnancy and raise awareness for those babies who never make it home.

For updates on their Alice to Sea crusade or to donate money, please visit the below links: