Most babies will experience constipation at some stage in the first year. This is because their diet changes so drastically in such a short time frame and there’s always a chance that something new that they eat or drink doesn’t suit them. If you want to read more about what constipation is, you can go here.
While constipation is a bit uncomfortable it can be resolved quite quickly, without any long term affects. Here are a few tips you can try to get things moving for your baby.
If you’re breastfeeding, consider what you’ve consumed in the previous few days and if something raises a red flag, alter as you see fit. Although it is worth remembering that it is quite uncommon for breastfed babies to get constipated. If your baby is formula fed, consider changing formulas as some are known to cause constipation. Speak to your MCH Nurse or GP for guidance.
While some solid food can cause constipation, other types can really help keep things moving. Consider giving them an overripe cut up or mashed pear. Other options include skinless apples, broccoli, prunes or peaches. Offer whole grains such as porridge or quinoa and avoid processed grains such as white bread or puffed rice.
Not enough water can cause constipation so offer plenty of water in a sippy cup, or if breast fed, offer extra feeds. For babies older than six months, diluted prune or pear juice may also help.
Encourage extra movement as this also helps get things moving, so if they are crawling or walking, find a space so they can safely roam. If your baby is too young for this, you can gently ‘bicycle pump’ their legs for them.
A gentle massage over their belly may help stimulate their bowels enough for a bowel movement. You can do this several times throughout the day, just be careful not to do it too close to feed time or might find you’re wearing their milk!
Constipation in babies six weeks and under is very unusual so should be checked over by your GP.