Top 10 Activities To Do with Baby 3-12 Months

Check out our top ten ways to spend time with your baby. Not only will your baby love them, you’ll also give yourself some much-needed nurturing at the same time!

Top 10 Activities to do with Baby 3-12 Months

1. Read to them

Reading to your baby and fostering their love of books is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. Dig out the books you loved as a child and snuggle your baby close as you simultaneously boost their vocabulary and literacy skills. For babies under six months try books with bold colours and for older babies choose board, cloth or vinyl books that will survive being sucked and chewed.

2. Get out into nature

Whether it’s strolling around the park or lying on a blanket under a tree, being out in the fresh air is a great mood booster for you and your baby. In addition, researchers at the University of WA have found massive health benefits for kids who play outdoors including everything from better immunity and getting sick less often to being more resistant to stress.

3. Water play

Most babies love water. It’s a sensory sensation as they get to see the ripples and waves, feel the wetness and hear the splashes. Set up a water station for your budding scientist in a big plastic container then add a variety of cups and kitchen utensils, sponges and objects that float and sink for them to explore.

water playReminder: never leave little ones unaccompanied with water due to drowning risk.

4. Go for a swim

Take your baby’s love of water one step further and join a mums and bubs’ swimming class or take your own trip to your local pool. Top tip – swimming is exhausting for little ones so look forward to a big nap and some “me-time” afterwards.

5. Music

Turn up your favourite song, pick up your baby and dance and sing around the house. Your favourite tune is an excellent pick-me-up plus you’re teaching your baby about rhythms and melodies.

Once your baby can sit independently, set up a music station for them. Upturned pots and pans and a wooden spoon = drums. A plastic container filled with rice or lentils = a shaker. If you’re feeling really creative you can even make a guitar from an empty tissue box and some elastic bands.

6. Visit your library

If you’ve never been to your local library, now is the time to become well acquainted. Not only are libraries full of books (see point 1 above), many also run toy libraries which are economical for your wallet and living space. Most libraries also put on regular free programs for mums and babies to introduce rhymes, music, books and finger play.

7.Go to a Cafe

Find a child-friendly cafe with its own play area or beside a playground and meet up with your bestie. You get your caffeine fix and some adult conversation and your baby gets to watch the world go by . . . win-win!

8. Head to the beach

Playing in sand is another fantastic sensory experience for babies. Pick up a bucket and spade and relive your own childhood memories building sandcastles. If you don’t live near the beach, find a playground with a sandpit or make your own at home.

9. Take a bath together

At the end of the day or before nap time, turn down the lights, light some candle, fill up the bath with lavender bubbles and hop in with your baby. This solves the “how do I shower when I have a baby that I can’t put down” dilemma and is also a beautiful way to relax and bond together.

10. Bubbles

And finally . . . I’ve never met a child who wasn’t enthralled by bubbles. Keep a supply of supermarket-bought bubbles at home or make your own with washing up liquid. The sheer joy on your baby’s face is contagious and the bubbles will keep them entertained for hours . . . or until they run out.