Bleeding during pregnancy can be very alarming to most women although bleeding doesn’t always mean you could be experiencing a miscarriage.
During labour, many women will experience a “bloody show”. This is when the plug that covers the opening of the cervix during pregnancy is passed shortly before birth happens. Most of the time it contains a small amount of blood and mucous and it is quite common and not a health threat if it happens within a few weeks of your due date. However, the issue should not be taken lightly, but it also isn’t necessarily indicating a problem. For women, the best way to approach this is to understand the certain conditions that may seem unfamiliar to you.
Vaginal bleeding is not uncommon in pregnant women in the first trimester of their pregnancy, and it is not an issue. The problem becomes serious if the bleeding does not stop even in the second and the third trimester. The condition may vary from light spotting to severe bleeding with some blood clots. Bleeding during pregnancy is more common than you think. About 15 to 25 per cent experience bleeding early on their pregnancy and there can be various possible reasons for it.
If there is any bleeding during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (the last 6months of the whole pregnancy). Obviously, it involves concerns different from bleeding in the first trimester of your pregnancy. Any bleeding within this stage of pregnancy is not normal. Vaginal bleeding after the 28th week of pregnancy is an emergency. Bleeding from the vagina can range from mild to extremely risk and may or may not be accompanied by abdominal pain.
First, spotting can be differentiated from bleeding because it is a very light bleeding, just like what you may have at the beginning or end of your menstrual period. It can vary in colour from pink to red brown. Here are the other causes of spotting or bleeding:
Heavy bleeding during late pregnancy is most often associated with a problem in the placenta. The two most common problems that involve the placenta are placenta previa and placenta abruption.
The most ideal thing to do is to call your doctor or health care provider immediately, even if the bleeding seems to have stopped. The condition may turn out to be something minor but it could be a sign of a serious problem. An evaluation test may include a physical exam, an ultrasound main test offered to women experiencing bleeding during pregnancy. It can establish whether the baby is alive or dead and can help predict if the pregnancy will continue or end in miscarriage, and blood tests to detect placental hormonal levels. Low level of hormones indicates that there is a high risk of miscarriage. These are done to make sure that you and our baby are on good condition and to rule out any complications.