While not having to contend with your period for nine months while you’re pregnant is a bonus, the uncertainty of when it will return post-birth is not so great. There are many myths around breastfeeding, menstruation after having a baby, so we are going to distill some of those.
Here we look at myth busting Post-Birth Periods and Breastfeeding:
While your periods can be delayed after birth if you are breastfeeding, it is not uncommon for periods to return soon after birth. You are more likely to delay the return of your period if you are demand feeding, and breastfeeding exclusively. As soon as your baby starts to sleep for longer, or drop feeds, or start solid food your cycle will likely return.
The risk is too great, unless you definitely want two children very close together, it’s advisable not to rely on breastfeeding as your contraception. Our bodies are unpredictable and can ovulate at any time. Given most of us don’t know when we ovulate, you could easily risk pregnancy and still be breastfeeding.
It is completely normal to experience some spotting before your period has returned, and while you are breastfeeding. This is not a sign that you have ovulated or that your period is starting again, (although it might be) it is more a case of your hormones behaving as hormones do, which can be a little unpredictable.
It takes time for a woman’s body to recover from giving birth. Even if you choose not to breastfeed, it may still take several months for your period to return.
If you do get your period while you are still breastfeeding, there is no need to give up breastfeeding. There is some evidence to say that the taste of your milk changes slightly over the days of your period, and some women experience a slight drop in their supply, causing their baby to fuss at the breast. However, this does not last any longer than your period, so you can happily continue to breastfeed your baby.
Some Things To Remember: