Pregnancy Health Check

Maintaining good health practices both before and during pregnancy is necessary to ensure a successful pregnancy. This includes proper nutrition and exercise which are important to everyone’s good health. During pregnancy, eating well and getting the right exercise are absolutely essential for your health and the well being of your baby. Another consideration to achieve a healthy pregnancy is regular prenatal consultation to your doctor, being aware of the possible risks and as well as planning and preparing ahead for your pregnancy. To explain further, this article will help you understand the important things to remember to achieve a successful pregnancy.

Pregnancy Health Check

Good Nutrition

Maternal nutrition is a priority during pregnancy. Expectant mothers need dietary reserves in the form of calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. The best way to get the proper nutrients for you and your unborn child is to eat variety of nutritious foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy products and lean protein. Vegetables like lettuce contain the B-Vitamins and Folic Acid which can help to prevent neural tube defects.


Before, exercising was not regularly practised by pregnant women because it is believed that it was a risk for the baby in the womb. But now we know that there are many benefits to women who exercise during their pregnancy, much beneficial than plain walking. However, exercise should still be observed within the boundaries of safety.

Intake Of Folic Acid

During early pregnancy, folic acid helps the neural tube of the foetus, which develops into the brain and spinal cord. If you don’t have enough folic acid, the neural tube may not close correctly. The baby may develop Spina Bifida (A condition in which the spinal cord and/or a sac filled with fluid protrudes through an opening in the back – or anencephaly). Babies with anencephaly usually do not live long, and those with spina bifida may be permanently disabled.

Prenatal Consultation

Keep doctor appointments. Just because you feel well doesn’t mean you don’t need to see your doctor. Different prenatal tests are performed throughout your pregnancy. Some are optional but can give you significant knowledge about how well your baby is doing. Routine prenatal check up can also help minimize the occurrence of pregnancy complications, such preeclampsia. A big part of prenatal care is having ultrasounds.

Frequent prenatal checkups should be done if you are expecting twin pregnancy or multiple pregnancies throughout your pregnancy.

Getting Ready for Baby

Birthing classes often are offered through local hospitals and birthing centres. During class, the instructor will go over the signs of labour and review the stages of labour. She will talk about positioning for labour and birth, and ways to control pain. She also will give you strategies to work through labour pains and to help you stay relaxed and in control. You will practice many of these strategies in class, so you are ready when the big day arrives. Birthing classes also provide a tour of the hospital facility.

Parenting classes may also get you ready for your baby. The class usually teaches the basics, such as diapering, feeding, and bathing your newborn. You also will learn these basic skills in the hospital before you are discharged.

Being Aware Of The Warning Signs Of Pregnancy

You should be aware of the danger signs which need an immediate attention and should be reported immediately to your health care provider and it includes chronic high blood pressure, cardiac diseases, pregnancy-induced hypertension, uterine contractions, or a history of early contractions, bleeding and premature rupture of bag of water.

Other Pregnancy Health Tips

  • Drink plenty of fluids, at least eight to ten glasses a day, avoiding caffeine and artificial coloring.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption.
  • Stop smoking and don’t let yourself be exposed to second-hand smoke.
  • Get adequate sleep at least eight hours a day. If you’re suffering from sleep disturbances, take naps during the day and see your physician for advice.
  • Wear comfortable, non-tight fitting shoes and elevate your feet several times a day to prevent fatigue and oedema of the feet, legs, and ankles.
  • Practice relaxation whenever you can. Try for at least once a day.
  • Don’t take over-the-counter medications or herbal remedies without first consulting your obstetrician.
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