In these seven days your baby will triple in size from the size of a poppy seed to a lentil. The heart will also be beating with a regular rhythm. From now until birth, your child’s heart will beat about 150 times a minute – twice the average adult rate!
Your baby’s basic facial features will also start to form at this time, including the mouth and the beginnings of eyes and ears.
The beginnings of a stomach and lungs will also begin to become apparent if the baby is examined on an ultrasound.
The placenta in your womb that supplies your baby with nutrients is producing increasing amounts of progesterone. This hormone prevents your uterus from expelling the fetus and also helps create the nest of blood vessels that nourishes your baby in the uterine walls.
However, the high amounts of progesterone that are produced for the baby can also make you feel very nauseous. This is because it has the effect of slowing down the digestive process.
Despite the fact that it is called “morning sickness” the nausea associated with pregnancy can strike at any time. The symptoms of morning sickness can also vary from woman to woman. Some women just have a touch of dizziness or a headache and others may be so off balance and nauseous that they have to go to bed.
The good news is that no matter how bad your morning sickness is you will likely be over it by the end of the first trimester.
During this week you may find it harder to focus on your partner than usual, especially if you are feeling nauseous. However it is important for you to acknowledge how the father of your child might be feeling about the monumentous changes that are about to take place in your life.
When you are feeling well this is also a good idea to sit down with your spouse or partner and make a financial plan as to how you are going to handle the expenses associated with having a new child in the house.
If you are suffering from unbearable nausea try taking ginger tea or nibbling on candied ginger. Taking 75 milligrams of B6 a day can also help quell the symptoms of morning sickness. Alternatively you can take a pregnancy soluble supplement.