Identify the Key Signs of Conception

Good nutrition and early prenatal care will give your baby the best possible start in life. This is why it is important to be aware of the most common signs of pregnancy. If you are trying to figure out whether you are pregnant, there a number of symptoms you can look out for before taking a pregnancy test. If the results are positive, make an appointment with a doctor immediately and start taking pre-pregnancy vitamins.

Women experience many different signs of pregnancy. However, some symptoms are particularly common. While these are all common signs, they can also be indicative of other changes in the body or even a disease. The best thing to do is to read through this article and check the symptoms mentioned. The more you have, the more likely you are pregnant.

The most common signs of pregnancy

  • Missed or very light period

One of the first symptoms you may notice is that your period does not arrive. It is one of the more obvious signs of pregnancy, especially if your period is usually regular. During the first month of conception, it is possible that you will have no symptoms other than this.

  • Food cravings and aversions

These symptoms are very common during the early stages of pregnancy. Cravings and aversions to food may come and go throughout the following months.

  • A heightened sense of smell

It is not uncommon for newly pregnant women to find normally acceptable or even pleasant smells, repulsive and overpowering. Certain aromas may even trigger a gag reflex.

  • Nausea or vomiting

Also known as “morning sickness”, this can happen at any time of the day or night. Most women do not experience this symptom until about a month following conception, though some experience it very early. To deal with the nausea it helps to eat small meals throughout the day, snacking on dry foods and drinking sugary beverages.

  • Feeling tired

This is another of the more common pregnancy symptoms. The stress of adjusting to physical changes alongside increased levels of progesterone, can lead to exhaustion. This symptom will most likely become less noticeable during the second trimester.

  • Breasts swell or may feel tender

The discomfort you experience in your breasts may be similar to, but will usually be more severe than, what you feel before your monthly menstrual period. After the first trimester, the pain should diminish significantly, as your body adjusts to the new hormonal levels.

  • Frequent urination

During pregnancy, the amount of blood and other fluids in your body rapidly boosts. As a result, more liquid ends up in your bladder. This will most likely persist throughout the pregnancy, as your baby exerts increasing pressure on your bladder.

  • Mood swings

You may feel angry, sad, or happy for no reason.

  • Light-headedness

Some pregnant women will feel light-headed and may even faint. This is usually not an issue past the fourth month of pregnancy.

Signs of miscarriage

During the first trimester, miscarriage (spontaneous termination of pregnancy) is likely. Some pregnancies end even before you experience your first symptoms. This can result in a phenomenon known as a “chemical pregnancy”. This is when enough HCG is produced to register a positive reading, but following tests indicate negative results. Though many women are not aware of this fact, miscarriage is relatively common.


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