Week 32 Of Your Pregnancy

At week 32 all your baby’s organs are functioning as they should be and they are as big as a honeydew melon (but probably way cuter!). They are also starting to shed that fuzzy hair known as lanugo, that’s been covering their body. Things are getting squashy for everyone and you may find that you can’t eat as much as you used to, or that heart burn is a much more frequent event

If your baby is born premature at this stage it has a good chance of survival. In tertiary (high level) care centres, the survival rates for babies born at 32 to 33 weeks are very high. By this week all of your baby’s organs are functioning except for the lungs.


Your body starts to prepare for your baby’s arrival and you might find that your breasts are leaking colostrum. Don’t be alarmed, it’s quite normal. If you’re planning on breast feeding, take a look at this breast feeding check list so you can be as organised as soon as possible when you bring your baby home. 

Most mums-to-be have planned their birth plan  several weeks in advance of the big (birth) day but how many of us create a birth plan for breastfeeding – A breastfeeding plan?


If you are still working you will probably be feeling the strain. Consider asking your boss if you can work from home. This can help alleviate some of the physical stress that you may be experiencing.

This is a good week to take the time to buy a car seat and have it properly fitted. Make sure the seat you buy meets all the safety specifications and that it is correctly fitted. The hospital won’t let you leave to take your baby home if you don’t have your car seat installed. If you haven’t done it, read this article on what to look for in a car seat, and where to go to get it installed. 


Although your baby may be moving around in the uterus less, you should still feel something at least every couple of hours. If your baby is very quiet for more than two hours call your doctor or midwife.

Your stomach may be getting squashed so eating a big meal might be difficult and you could suffer from breathlessness as your diaphragm is pushed upwards by your expanding uterus. Call your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice any signs of early labour which can include your water breaking, tightening of your uterus at regular intervals, period like cramps, vaginal bleeding and pressure in the pelvic area.

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