It’s week 33! You’re probably more than ready for you bub to arrive and feeling increasingly uncomfortable, but they aren’t done growing yet, in fact they’re now as big as a jack fruit! Your baby has developed regular sleep cycles now (fingers crossed they keep that up after the birth!), and just like you and I, they now close their eyes when they nap.
At this stage your baby should also be somersaulted so that the head is against the uterus. This is why you are feeling kicks against your uterus.
Your mind is probably quite preoccupied with labour, and going in to labour, and how you’ll know if you’re in labour or not. You’ll probably be told the most useless advice at this stage – that being: “you’ll just know”. While that’s true, it’s easy enough to say this if you’ve been through it, but if you haven’t, it’s just hard to imagine what it might be like. This is a useful guide to labour contractions and should help you distinguish between the real thing and braxton hicks. You can read it here.
You may have difficulty sleeping. You may also be a bit sleep deprived because you are dealing with numerous side effects including leg cramps, heartburn and the need to constantly go to the bathroom.
Sleeping on your side during the last trimester of pregnancy reduces the risk of stillbirth by more than half, regardless of which side you sleep, according to a new international study. Read more here.
If heartburn is a problem try eating dinner an hour earlier than you usually do.
Maybe you’re also wondering where your partner fits in to this crazy thing called labour. He does play an important role, if you let him. Who you have in the delivery suite with you is a very personal thing, but it’s very uncommon for the father of the baby not to be there to witness the birth of their child. Apart from that, they can be great supporters and advocates for the mother. This article explores his role in the delivery suite a bit more.