Week 30! Woo hoo! Definitely on the home straight now. Your baby is the size of a cabbage and getting bigger by the day. Baby measures around 27 cm from head to bottom, and weighs about 1.3 kg!
Your baby’s skin is getting smoother and pigments are developing to give your baby’s skin the colour it will be born with. They are now strong enough to grasp a finger or even suck their thumb!
Your baby’s sleeping and waking cycles are quite defined now but you may find they do not match up with your own! So be prepared for some strong kicks under the ribs and pressure on your pelvic floor. So keep going on those pelvic floor exercises…you will be thankful you did after birth.
Are you starting to worry about how things will unfold during labour? Don’t worry it is completely normal to have some anxiety around the birth. This is a useful article on common birth fears and how to conquer them. If you’re especially worried about the pain, don’t fret, in our modern age you have plenty of options. Read more about pain management here.
Start thinking about those first few weeks at home and what supports you can have in place to help you navigate your new life as a parent. Your partner may be eligible for some parental leave also, so be sure to explore all your options. Think about starting your food bank – once a week cook an extra meal for the freezer, so you’ll have some stocks on days when you just can’t face cooking a meal.