At week 25 your baby is as big as a cauliflower and weighs around 1kg! All their bones are fully developed, but they are still very soft however, they are now perfectly formed.
As your baby grows and gets stronger, you’ll notice their movements more. You may also be be able to tell when they have hiccups! You’ll probably start to see a patten around their movements, and find they wake up for a dance, right as you’re heading to bed!
Most parents-to-be attend antenatal classes during the third trimester. Classes can help you feel more relaxed, confident, and prepared for labour. It’s also a fantastic way to meet other expectant parents and make contacts for future baby play dates. These classes are offered at most hospitals and birth centres. Your doctor or midwife can also recommend a class in your area.
As you move towards the end of your second trimester you might want to start thinking about writing a birth plan. Many first-time Mums opt for a birth plan as they have very clear ideas about what they want and don’t want at the birth of their baby. It’s a personal thing, so it’s a good idea to raise it with your care-giver. If you’d like more information on the purpose of a birth plan, you can read this.
Some things to think about at this stage of pregnancy are: who you might want in the delivery room with you – be sure to discuss it with your partner as some people have different ideas and it’s best to clear what you want early to save any awkward moments turning in-laws or the like away in the delivery suite.
Also think about what level of medical intervention and pain relief is ideal for you.
If it’s difficult for you or your partner to make a weekly antenatal class, many hospitals offer intensive weekend courses so you can still be prepared and have the opportunity to meet other parents to be. Antenatal classes are a good way to make your partner feel more connected to the pregnancy and give him a chance to meet other expectant dads.
Now is the time to be thinking about those big ticket items, such as your pram, cot and car seat. You’ll need to consider safety first, then aesthetics. You should also think about your lifestyle too, especially when choosing a pram. Here’s a useful checklist of what to look for when choosing your pram.