Sperm donation has helped a lot of married and unmarried couples, same-sex couples and single women to make pregnancy and childbirth possible. There are a lot of sperm donation clinics that can assist you in this procedure which ensures you that you’ll receive a product of the highest quality with their medical expertise plus a personal and compassionate approach.
A sperm donor is a person (man) who donates his own sperm with the intention that it to be used to make a woman pregnant who is not usually the man?s sexual partner in order to produce a child.
Over the past decade, sperm banks have appeared around the world. It is an obvious but important step in the whole process. It is recommendable to anyone interested in sperm donors to get the literature and donor listings of several sperm banks right from the beginning, for comparison purposes. Any reputable sperm banks should have a license by the state it is in; preferably has branches in more than one state. If the sperm bank is not licensed by the state, they could be doing illegal (and possible doing very unpleasant) things with the sperm deposits.
The best way to find a good sperm bank is to ask your doctor. It is because he can recommend you to one that has been certified by your state, which is of good reputation, and maybe relatively accessible for you. You can ask your physician for three to five top sperm banks in your state for comparison purposes.
In addition, you can do your own research if you are embarrassed to inform your doctor the yellow pages can be a big help or check on different sperm bank sites in the internet. You should bear in mind that no matter how you find the sperm bank, you should visit the bank before you sign anything, and make sure that the place is clean and organized. Ask some people that work there regarding sperm donation and check how professionally they interact. Compare banks, and choose the best one.
A sperm donor is required to provide basic information about him such as racial origin, height, weight, colour of eyes, and blood type. This important information is only made available to clients that apply to a sperm bank. There are also some sperm donation clinics that offer “exclusive donors”. The sperm is only used to impregnate a single woman.
Not all men are qualified to donate their sperms. There are certain conditions that immediately disqualify a volunteer donor from donating sperm and it includes men who have a family history of certain diseases such as (cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, etc.). However, the sperm donor should be aged between 18 and 45 years, has undergone certain screening tests in order to prevent the risks of passing on any diseases or abnormalities, donors must have never previously donated at any other sperm banks and most importantly, has given written consent before donating sperm. In addition, the sperm donor can withdraw his consent at anytime up to the point at which the sperm are used in treatment.
Usually, sperm banks select sperm donors to reduce sperm processing costs and increase the pregnancy rates of the client. Some sperm banks make a profile of the sperm donors and show them to the prospective clients.
The process
In Australia, It is illegal to sell sperms, eggs or any human tissue. However, it is considered for recipients to pay the sperm donor’s expenses, if he asks for a payment way too much for his expenses, he should be avoided. IVF Australia’s sperm donor program can provide sperm from one donor for a family so that if siblings are desired they have the same biological father
All sperm donors needs to submit a written consent about them and is forwarded to the Donor Register kept by the New South Wales Department of Health. In Australia, the law requires that donors be strictly identifiable and they won’t allow anonymous donors. As a result, the children resulting from the sperm donation can check the details about their biological father when they reach 18 years old.