Baby Health

Mouth breathing in children

Mouth breathing in children is a common concern for parents. While occasional mouth breathing is natural, chronic or persistent mouth breathing can have underlying causes that need attention, as it can have long-term effects...

Treating a persistent cough in babies and toddlers

A persistent cough in a baby or toddler can be a cause of concern (and sleep deprivation!) for parents. While coughing is a natural reflex that helps clear the airways, it can be distressing for both the child and the...

Caring for little hands and feet

One important aspect of a child’s wellbeing (well, ten little things!) that often gets overlooked is their hands and feet. The tiny fingers and toes of a newborn are incredibly delicate and downright adorable, while...

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in babies

This winter has been dreadful for viruses in children, from COVID-19, the flu, hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), to gastroenteritis, and the common cold. If your family has managed to dodge any of those, you’re one of...

Lanugo: What is it? And why are babies born with it?

Were you surprised to find that your beautiful little bundle was covered in fine hair when you brought them into the world? It might seem odd, but it’s completely normal, temporary, and nothing to worry about. Why are some...

Newborn baby breathing – what to expect

Bringing your new baby home from the hospital is exciting, but can be quite daunting too, particularly if it’s your first. All of a sudden, you’re responsible for this tiny and completely dependent being! Knowing what...

Supporting Infant Immunity in the Winter Months

Supporting an Infant’s immune system during the ‘development and training’ phase of their life is important at ALL times of year – but especially in winter. Like most of us, infants are more susceptible to colds,...

Infant Gut Health and Probiotics

Gut health is important for all life stages and especially important during infancy. This is the "foundation stage” when the digestive and immune systems are developing and maturing – and will impact the infant for! ...

Torticollis in Infants

So you’re noticing that your child is constantly turned towards one side. You try turning the head back the other direction, but this is met with protests and crying and straight away they try to move it back again. You...

Plagiocephaly and helmet use

“Daddy, why is that baby wearing a watermelon on their head?” Curiosity piqued, I turn around to see a young baby with a helmet on their head. Sure enough, it was designed with a pattern like a watermelon. I glance at...

Red flags to look out for when baby is sick

When it comes to babies, they can’t tell us when they don’t feel well. Being aware of the ‘red flags’ to look out for when baby is sick is essential knowledge for every parent. These red flags are signs and symptoms...

Baby projectile vomiting – is it pyloric stenosis?

Seeing your baby vomit can be worrying. While most babies vomit at some stage, it can be hard to know what's normal and what isn’t. If your baby is bringing up a little bit of excess milk after feeds, this is very common...

Umbilical cord and belly button care

After the birth of your baby, the doctor or midwife will cut and clamp the umbilical cord from the placenta. A stump will be left behind, which will eventually fall off, leaving a cute little belly button. Most umbilical...

Remedies to treat colic if you suspect gastrointestinal issues

All babies cry (some a lot more than others!), but with colic the crying can start suddenly for no apparent reason, and can happen often and for long periods. Colic isn’t a disease or a condition; it’s a result of your...

Tummy troubles and bowel movements in babies

I laughed at all my friends that had children before me and their preoccupation with their child’s food and poo. Then I had a baby and retrained as a paediatric dietitian and it all made sense. How well life functions is...

Colic and baby wind drops – do they actually work?

Babies get wind by swallowing tiny air bubbles when feeding which become trapped, causing pressure and discomfort in their tiny tummies. It’s heartbreaking seeing a little one uncomfortable and inconsolable, and sometimes...

What to expect after your baby’s vaccinations

No parent likes to see their baby in pain, but vaccines are essential to keep them protected from serious diseases, like polio, whooping cough, and measles. Just like any medication, your baby may experience some side effects...

Common illnesses in babies: What you need to know

Nothing’s more worrying than seeing your baby unwell, but you might take some comfort knowing that with immunisation rates at about 90% in Australia, there are fewer serious dangers to their health than ever before. ...

How to avoid head asymmetry in infants

Head asymmetry, otherwise known as positional plagiocephaly or deformational plagiocephaly, is the change to the normal shape of a baby’s head. It means a misshapen, flat, or uneven head shape. It’s very common in, ...

Baby Medicine Kit – What You Need

Strange as it may seem, there are things you will need in the cupboard that you most likely won’t have at home prior to having a baby. Speaking from experience, most of these thing are purchased on an ‘as needs’ basis;...

Vaccinations – common questions answered

When it comes to immunisations, there’s an abundance of discussion and often heated debate that takes place surrounding the issue. Yet, due to the intense passion the subject evokes, seldom does the conversation involve...

Newborn Congestion – How to deal with it

Particularly as a first-time parent, you might assume that your congested baby has a cold, but what you might not realise is that newborns usually sound stuffy when they breathe. Mild to moderate congestion is common, and...

Infant Spinal Care

Did you know that prior to 2 years of age the human brain can create 1.8 million connections every second?1 This is an incredible amount of information, but when you think about it, your baby is learning how to move their...

Should probiotics be given to babies?

All babies are born with a blank slate, ready to learn about the world, it’s wonders, people, food and environment. The baby’s gastrointestinal system or ‘gut’ is no different; as prior to birth it is void of all...

Hip Dysplasia – what to know

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a problem with how a baby’s hip (or both hips) is developing. Your maternal and child health nurse or pediatrician will check your baby’s hips at each appointment, but to help...

Remedies to treat colic

Any parent will tell you that colic is one of the most demanding, worrying, and exhausting experiences of early parenthood. ‘Colic’ is the word used to describe when babies cry excessively over long periods of time. It...

Why Do Babies Vomit?

This is a really common question from many parents. After all, it can be scary to see your baby vomit. It can look like a lot of vomit for such a small baby too! So how do you know what is normal? My baby is vomiting -...

Does burping your baby after feeding really help?

Since your baby was born, you probably feel like you’ve spent a never-ending cycle of feeding and burping your baby between naps (that sometimes don’t happen!), but does burping after feeding really help? Despite the...

Baby Gut Health

Most of us have heard or used the term ‘gut’ but often we’re not using it the right way. The condition of your gut is actually really important, particularly the collection of what’s known as ‘microbiota’,...

What happens when baby has a cold?

With the cooler weather, comes yucky colds, and unfortunately baby’s can also be susceptible. In fact, with their little immune systems still immature, catching a cold is easy for a tiny tot. Although a cold is...

Lactose Intolerance in Babies and Breastfeeding

Lactose intolerance is a well-known condition, experienced by high numbers of adults. But it can also be an issue for babies, placing those who are intolerant at risk of adverse reaction when breastfeeding. What is lactose...

Your Ultimate Guide to Baby Thermometers

The thermometer is an essential item in the ‘new baby kit’ so it’s worth investing in. It can get confusing when trying to decide which one to buy, so we’ve put together this handy guide to baby thermometers. There...

Probiotics for Babies – Everything You Need to Know

In recent years probiotics have become the new superfood as we are paying more attention to the importance of gut health and research is looking into the benefits of probiotics as a prevention or cure for everything from...

Baby Poo: What is Normal?

It’s probably one of those subjects which was definitely not talked about at the dinner table or in polite conversation; baby poo! But I’m sure you have now realised that having a baby...

Dental Care for Baby Teeth

Before you know it, your newborn’s adorable gummy grins have become real toothy smiles.  Cute as they are, your child’s baby teeth are placeholders for their adult teeth so it’s really important to take good care of...

Croup in babies – The Tell Tale Signs

Croup can be a frightening experience for any parent, but knowing the tell-tale signs can help ease the fright and help you get the right treatment for your baby. Is it croup? Croup may start with a runny nose or cough –...

How to Avoid Flat Head Syndrome

We’ve all seen new born babies with the ‘cone head’, when a baby sits in the birth canal for a while the head develops a cone shape, this is different to Flat Head Syndrome. The cone head is all part of making their way...

How to Manage Sleeping and Feeding when Baby has a Cold

Colds are extremely common, especially in babies and young children who’ll suffer an average of five to ten colds a year. While sleeping and feeding can be difficult times on any given day, when your baby has a cold it can...

What is Infant Colic? Is it a Common Condition

What Is Colic? Infant colic is a common condition, affecting infants in their first months of life. However, it is not a serious medical condition and usually resolves by the age of 3-4 months. Colic is usually recognised by...

Fever in Babies: An Age-Based Temperature Guide

Babies may not come with a manual or guide, but we can give you a guide about what’s normal – and what isn’t – when it comes to temperature and fevers in babies. It’s one of those things that you may not think...

Pertussis – Whooping Cough Immunisation

When do I need to get whooping cough immunisation? If you have a newborn baby, or you’re going to be in close contact with one (maybe your sister or best friend is pregnant) then you might wonder about whether you need...

Tongue-tie – Your Questions Answered

What is Tongue-tie? Tongue-tie is a condition that around five percent of new born babies are born with. It occurs when the thin piece of skin under the tongue (the frenulum) is short and restricts the baby’s movement of...

Useful Information about Baby Circumcision

This procedure is most often associated with ancient Jewish rituals, but few of us realised that the Jewish community were not the first to practice it. Carvings on the walls in the Temple of Karnak depict Egyptian priests...

Combatting reflux

Having worked extensively in the children’s ward, nurse Stephanie Holdsworth immediately recognised the signs of infant reflux when her ten day old baby began screaming after every feed. “My daughter started off being...

What to Do When Your Baby Has a Cold

Even in the healthiest household, there is a high probability that at one time or another your baby will come down with a cold. Babies are particularly prone to catching colds as their immune systems are immature and seeing...

Baby Teething Help

Teething is a part of your baby's developmental milestone and a memory of your baby's first big toothy grin will give you a sense of joy. Some babies passed through the process and are showing off their first teeth before you...

Baby Massage

As I sat in a doctor’s waiting room recently, I heard the unmistakable sound of a distressed baby – most likely as tired of waiting as the rest of us. Glancing over I watched as the baby’s mother calmly took a small...

Baby Weight

Looking at your baby after giving birth is a wonderful time for expectant mothers. But before that, you may want to learn about your unborn baby and what to expect when the most awaited date of delivery finally comes., ...

When To Call The Doctor For A Sick Baby

It is sometimes difficult to know exactly when to call the doctor if your baby seems sick or even when to seek emergency care. Babies cannot tell us when something hurts. However, we can give you an idea on when to call the...

Caring for The Health Of Your Baby

Baby health is one of the main issues that you have to deal with when you bring your newborn home and start your life as a parent. As you would never want anything bad to happen to your precious little bundle, you evaluate...

How to Manage a High Baby Temperature

As a parent, you may experience being worried and clueless on what to do upon seeing your baby flushed, hot, and sweaty. “Should I get the thermometer or call the doctor right away?” A high temperature can be an...

How Common Is Acid Reflux To Babies?

An estimate of 40 to 60 percent of newborns experiences some degree of baby acid reflux for the first few months because of an undeveloped lower esophagus sphincter (LES). Thus, it causes discomfort to babies due to the...

Remedies For Colic

Any parent will tell you that colic is one of the most excruciating experiences of early parenthood. The baby cries as if in dire pain, and there just seems to be anything for a parent to do. A baby is suspected to have colic...

How to Identify and Treat the Symptoms of Baby Constipation

Pain and discomfort is no fun for anyone at all, especially not for a baby and certainly not for the parents. Equally as unenjoyable is when the parents do not know the cause for their child’s distress or how to soothe...

Baby Boy Circumcision Considerations

Are you trying to decide whether or not to have your baby boy circumcised? Circumcision involves the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis. For some parents, circumcision is a religious ritual. For...

Oral Thrush in Newborns

What Is Oral Thrush? Oral thrush is an infection caused by the yeast fungus known as Candida albicans and is a common illness in newborn babies. The fungus is also referred to as candidosis and moniliasis, but generally...

Jaundice In Newborn Babies

Jaundice is a symptom, not a disease and there are many reasons for it happening. It is recognised primarily by the yellow discolorations of the skin. In the womb, baby does not breathe but rely on a high level of red...


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