Good nutrition is necessary for pregnancy planning. This is essential because it decreases the possibility of premature birth and prevents the occurrence of any complications at birth. To make it easy, it is important for you to plan your conception beforehand. In addition, it is also helpful to supplement with all the essential nutrients that is helpful for a good health. Here are the things to consider when planning for pregnancy to get good nutrition:
Eating a healthy diet is important not only for healthy pregnancy but to your whole existence as well. Having a healthy diet both before and during pregnancy is important for delivering a healthy baby. Good nutrition habits early in your pregnancy will also carry over after delivery, and ensure that your breast milk is full of nutrients.
Meat, poultry, fish, fruits or vegetables; you name it. These are all potentially effective fertility enhancers. Your choice of food that you eat matters very much when you are trying to get pregnant. Growing healthy cells is tough but with a little help from organic foods; you can achieve your dream of getting pregnant. You need to eat more healthily, reduce your daily consumption of foods that have pesticides and preservatives.
Water should be your number one beverage before and during pregnancy. The human body is mostly composed of water, so consider it a vital nutrient. Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses each day. It also helps flush your system of toxins. An expectant mother should restrict her caffeine-intake (from coffee, tea, soft drinks) as well as her consumption of artificial sweeteners. All alcohol should be avoided.
A healthy intake of omega 3 which is one of the best Essential Fatty Acids is important for a woman?s nutrition. Omega 3 is an important element any Pre pregnancy planning for nutrition. The intake of omega 3 brings a lot of benefits. For instance, it can improve the mental abilities and the brain development of your baby. It can also reduce the chances of other common illnesses such as asthma in the newborn baby. Maternal diabetes can also be controlled with a healthy of intake of Omega 3.
In addition, be careful with your fish consumption for your Omega 3 EFA because there is a chance of heavy metal contamination from mercury when consuming a very high fish diet. This can lead to major birth complications such as autism.
Avoid cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption as much as possible. If your partner is an alcoholic drinker or a smoker then it is important for you to inform him how alcohol and nicotine destroys sperm cells. This can also happen to women. Women who usually smoke and drink alcohol are prone to infertility and early menopause.
One of the many concerns women have is centred on weight gain. The weight gain for a woman of healthy body weight is recommended to be between 25 to 35 lbs. during the course of pregnancy. Before getting pregnant, all women should keep appropriate body weights. This is especially important for underweight women. An underweight woman who fails to gain appropriate weight during pregnancy is most likely to give birth to a baby with dangerously low birth weight.
Sea foods like oysters contain high levels of zinc, a nutrient that contributes to testosterone and semen production in men and it also affects the ovulation and fertility in women. There are several studies that indicate that deficiencies in zinc impede upon both male and female fertility. Maintaining the recommended dietary allowance of zinc of 15 mg a day can help keep your reproductive system functioning suitably.
It is ideal to check whether you?re in good health and physical condition for pregnancy. Your health care provider will talk to any immunisations or medical tests you may need (such as a Pap smear for women), as well as personal and family medical history. Your doctor will also evaluate how much you weigh now and set a target weight gain or weight loss for pregnancy.