Being a stay at home Mum is wonderful, exciting, exhausting but ultimately rewarding experience. Some days are really tough so it’s important that your wellbeing remains a priority. Here are five ways to make sure you thrive as a stay at home mum.
There will be days that it’s tough, you’ll feel tired and some days you’ll be sick of it. But recognising that you have made the choice and you can change your circumstances goes a long way to making the tough days easier to get through. Often, when you decide change things and look closely at the alternative reality, it can reaffirm why you made the choice to stay home in the first place. Celebrate your choice, and know that on those tough days, this isn’t your ‘forever’.
Doing your best is always good enough, and is right and perfect for you and your family. There may things you wish you could get done but accepting the unpredictability and knowing you are doing your best will go a long way to making your time at home a joyful and fulfilling experience. The housework will keep, but your baby will keep growing and it’s a privilege to be by their side as they do.
Separating what’s urgent and what’s not will ease the day-to-day pressure valve. Marking one or two jobs as urgent, and planning them around your baby’s schedule will make them achievable. Knocking over a couple of jobs each day will go a long way to make you feel like you’re winning at this parenting gig.
Connecting with like-minded Mums and Dads will help enormously with feeling supported and connected. Being able to talk to other grown ups that are living your reality will help you value and thrive in your new role as a parent. Being around people that understand and respect your current situation will only enhance your experience.
While you may not be alone for the entire 24 hours in the day, try to take some time for yourself to make a cup of tea, read a magazine or just put your feet up. This is simple and easy way to give yourself a break. Baby’s nap time is the most convenient time for this, but if that doesn’t work out enlist the help of a partner, mother or mother in-law, or friend. An hour of time alone will go a long way to re-energising you.