10 best foods to help ease morning sickness

Morning sickness can be one of the most difficult parts of pregnancy for many mums-to-be. While it’s normal and very common, it still can affect the quality of life for pregnant women in a major way.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help reduce morning sickness symptoms and make your pregnancy more comfortable.

One key strategy is to focus on eating foods that are easily digestible and provide plenty of nutrition. Here is a list of ten of the best foods that may help ease morning sickness, with a bonus list of foods to avoid.

10 best foods to help ease morning sickness


Bananas are high in potassium, which helps regulate electrolytes in your body, as well as other vitamins like vitamin B6 which helps with nausea relief. They’re also easy to digest and a great grab-and-go snack when you’re feeling queasy or too tired to cook something else!


Oats contain complex carbohydrates that release energy slowly into the body over time instead of all at once like simple sugars do; this means no sudden spikes or drops in blood sugar levels which could cause nausea or fatigue respectively. Additionally, they contain fibre which will help keep your digestive system regular during this time period as well.

Plain Toast 

Toast is an all-round classic comfort food that provides plenty of carbs without having too much fat or sugar associated with it; perfect for when you want something light but filling at the same time. Plus, who doesn’t love toast?! If you’re up to it, you could add honey or jam (but skip the butter).


Soup has been known as an old home remedy for nausea since ancient times; its warm broth soothes stomachs while providing important nutrients such as protein and vitamins A & C depending on what type you choose (chicken noodle being a popular option). Just make sure any soup you consume isn’t overly spicy or acidic because those flavours could worsen symptoms instead.


Crackers are another low-fat option containing mostly plain carbohydrates; not only will they give some energy back to you, but their crunchy texture might actually settle down unsettled stomachs too if consumed before meals/snacks (or even by themselves). Be sure not to have them with anything acidic though since this could trigger more nausea afterwards unfortunately.

Other dry food

Dry foods are less likely to trigger nausea than greasy, heavy, or spicy foods. Eating several small meals throughout the day instead of a few large meals may also help reduce symptoms of morning sickness. Try popcorn, dry breakfast cereal, and pretzels.


Ginger root has long been used by pregnant women looking for natural remedies against their morning sickness woes due to its natural anti-inflammatory agents. Try ginger teas, ginger ale, ginger biscuits, or dried ginger.


Watermelons contain lycopene, an antioxidant linked with reducing inflammation within cells while also providing hydration thanks to its high water content making them ideal snacks during hot days where dehydration would normally become troublesome quickly otherwise. Plus, their yummy, sweet taste might be incentive enough!

Rice, pasta, or noodles

These are great filling starchy foods, usually easy to digest, and can be quickly cooked. Additionally, they contain complex carbohydrates which help to provide energy without upsetting the stomach.

Cold foods

Eating cold foods like salads, smoothies, jelly, custard, icy-poles, and yoghurt can help reduce nausea and make eating more tolerable as there is no cooking involved and less smells. Try sucking on ice blocks to keep hydrated if you don’t feel up to eating much.

Foods you may want to avoid

Everyone and every pregnancy is different, so it will be a case of trial and error to work out which foods make you feel worse, but you might come across something from this list that actually helps to ease your morning sickness. Give it a try and see how you go.

  • Spicy or acidic foods
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Greasy or fatty foods
  • Dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt
  • Carbonated drinks with artificial sweeteners
  • Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits
  • Processed meats like sausage and bacon
  • Foods high in sugar or salt


Note: Normal morning sickness is very different to hyperemesis gravidarum. If you have, or suspect that you have, this serious pregnancy condition, you’ll probably find that you can’t keep much down at all. See your doctor or healthcare provider for treatment.