For many parents who send their baby or toddler to daycare, it can be quite a stressful and emotional experience.
The teary drop-offs are hard enough, but with all the new germs and viruses that your little one is exposed to, it can feel like a never-ending cycle of your child getting sick and having to stay home, only to return and do it all again.
During the first year of daycare alone, it’s normal for a baby or toddler to contract six to 12 viruses. Common daycare illnesses include colds, flu, RSV, HFMD (Hand, foot, and mouth disease), gastroenteritis, middle ear infections, and croup.
It’s not only heartbreaking to see your child unwell so often, but it’s very inconvenient if you need to go to work, study, or have other commitments.
In this article, we explain why your little one is frequently unwell, how to protect them from illness, and when you should keep them home from daycare. With the right precautions and a little bit of patience, managing daycare in the first year can be a positive experience.
Getting sick is a normal part of a child’s early development. Daycare staff make every reasonable effort to minimise the spread of illness, but it’s not possible to stop every little bug from making the rounds. This is for two reasons:
1. Your little one is more susceptible to picking up infections
Up until your child starts daycare, they’ve probably spent a lot of time at home and not been in close contact with lots of people. That means that they haven’t yet been exposed to a variety of viruses, and therefore haven’t built up a good immunity to them.
2. It’s the perfect environment for germ sharing between children
To promote their healthy development and enjoyment, children are encouraged to play and explore their environment (and often that exploring happens with their mouth!), so it’s only natural that they’re going to be in close physical contact with infected children, adults, toys, surfaces, and through airborne illnesses via coughing and sneezing.
As difficult and as frustrating as it is, there are two important things you can do to help manage your child’s daycare illnesses in the first year. The first thing you can do is boost your child’s immunity, and the second is help reduce the spread of illness. Here’s how you can do both:
A baby’s or toddler’s immune system is still very underdeveloped, but you can help to build it by:
Preventing your child from getting sick at all is unrealistic, but here are some basic steps to help reduce the chances:
Before deciding whether to send your child to daycare or not, keep an eye on them for a few hours if they appear unwell, have a runny nose, reduced appetite, or low energy levels.
According to Health Direct, a child should be kept home if they have:
It’s always best to see your child’s doctor if their symptoms don’t improve after a couple of days, or if you’re concerned about their health at all. Doing so might prevent an illness from getting worse, meaning that your child could be back at daycare sooner.