Why Green Cleaning is the Safer Option for Your Home

I don’t think there is a single parent that hasn’t wondered or worried about the possible risks to their family from using chemical-based cleaning products in the home. The worry is justified because the chemicals contained in many every-day cleaning products can be harmful. There have been times in the past when cleaning the shower my eyes have watered from the chemicals, or I’m coughing or wheezing after cleaning the oven.

My baby son suffered terrible eczema and none of the over the counter or prescription creams eased it, so I decided I needed to do things differently. My research soon revealed that everyday cleaning products contained all sorts of nasties. Ingredients such as ammonia, fragrances, chlorine, phosphates and sulfates were doing nothing to help improve his skin.

Knowing the possible harm caused by these ingredients, the fact that these chemicals were in the air and on the surfaces in our home was enough for me to suspect that perhaps they were partly responsible for causing the inflammation that resulted in my son’s eczema.

While I’ll never really know if that is what was behind his painful skin condition, I do know that once I made the switch to natural cleaning, his skin improved so much that I could stop using steroid creams and switch to more natural and soothing treatments.

Making the Change to Green

Making the change to green cleaning is easy. You don’t have to worry about mixing up your own cleaning potions in order to keep your family safe. There are some excellent natural cleaners available in the supermarket. It’s just a case of buying different products, but it’s worth doing your research. There is much ‘greenwashing’ out there and not all companies claiming to be ‘green’ are green.

What To Look For

You want to look for products where the key ingredient is natural-based product. For example, eucalyptus oil is rich in antibacterial properties so can be used in all varieties of cleaning products. You’ll want a product that specifies it is free from bleach, ammonia, chlorine, phosphates, sulfates and artificial fragrances. Check for a full ingredients list as this is how you will know exactly what you are buying.

If possible look for a plant-based formula as this is key to reducing possible irritation, particularly when it comes to skin irritation. A product that can be safely used in grey water and septic systems is also a good indicator of its level of toxicity. Avoid products that say Caution, Corrosive, Danger, Irritant, Poison, or Warning, and instead look for products that suggest “drink water” or “rinse” if ingested.

Benefits for Families

Natural cleaning agents kill common household bacteria as well as any chemically-based cleaners, so you can enjoy the peace of mind that not only is your house clean, it is also safe. Choosing eco-friendly products from the beginning sets a great example for your children once they are old enough to understand the choices you are making.

Children spend a lot of time indoors, especially babies. Much of that time is spent on the floor. Once they start moving around the whole world opens up for them, and that includes potential hazards. So, for example, if you use a floor cleaner made of natural ingredients – it will be safe on their skin and safe if ingested; that’s one less hazard for you to worry about.

Using a natural multipurpose spray means you can clean high chairs, high chair trays, kitchen benches and toys or other items that they may chew on, without worrying about toxic chemicals.

But ultimately, as a parent, your families safety is your priority and by choosing natural-based products you are doing your best to protect them from otherwise toxic chemicals found in everyday off-the-shelf cleaners.