Does this sound familiar? Your 8, 9, or 10 month-old is suddenly resisting or taking shorter naps, waking more during the night, and is possibly extra fussy and cranky. Do you think you have reached this incredibly challenging stage with your baby? Did you just get over the 4 month sleep progression, and wonder how you’ll survive another one?!
You’ve probably heard this stage of wakefulness being called a sleep ‘regression’, but it’s in fact a time of massive brain development in your baby, which is why it’s actually a ‘progression’. Your baby is developing beautifully, and building complex brain circuits. Between birth and three years, their brain makes ONE MILLION CONNECTIONS PER SECOND! How amazing is that?! So, they’re never regressing.
Knowing that it’s a normal and healthy part of development doesn’t help when you’re exhausted and frustrated, but what you really need to know is why it’s happening…
There is an unbelievable amount of development happening for your baby right now. They might be sitting up, crawling, scooting, or pulling themselves up. Or they’re at least trying to master one or more of these skills! They’re trying to absorb language, they’re teething, and they’re beginning to realise that you’re no longer there when you leave the room, so separation anxiety can also come into play. They may also be ready to drop that third nap late in the day.
The cot is a safe and familiar place to practice all of these wonderful skills, which makes it hard for them to turn off their little bodies when they’d normally be sleeping. They’re waking, not to taunt you, but because these skills scare and upset them. With these feelings of uneasiness or distress, it’s only natural that they would call out to their source of comfort and reassurance – you! You haven’t done anything wrong. They’re not manipulating you. They just need you.
They want to sleep as much as you want them to, but they’re struggling.
This challenging and exhausting stage is commonly when parents resort to professional help, whether it’s through a sleep school or a sleep specialist who comes to their home. Don’t struggle alone, there is help out there.
Here are some more articles that you might find helpful in getting through the 8-10 month sleep progression: