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Most breastfeeding mothers will want to express at some stage in their breastfeeding journey. It may be in the short-term for reasons including breastfeeding difficulties, or temporary separations of mum and bub. More long-term reasons for wanting to pump include the mother returning to work, a baby with permanent attachment issues, or breast refusal.
Whatever your reason is for expressing, and when you are new to breastfeeding, it can be difficult trying to decide on the best breast pump. For instance, the difference between a single and a double breast pump might seem obvious: with a single pump you can only express one breast at a time, and with a double you can express both breasts at once. But, did you know that there are many benefits to choosing a double pump over a single?
If you’ve looked at the overwhelming array of pumps, you will have of course noticed that double pumps have a larger price tag than a single. You want to be sure it’s worth the investment, so here we look at the reasons why you might consider one.
Double pumping is generally accomplished with an electric pump. Here are some of the ways that it can provide benefits for breastfeeding mothers and babies:
If you have more than one child, multiples, a premature baby, or an unsettled little one, you can quickly pump both breasts at once, and get back to attending to your baby’s (or babies’) needs as soon as possible.
Expressing both breasts at the same time cuts your pumping time in half because you’re able to collect double the milk in one session. It can reduce a 30-40 minute pumping session to 15-20 minutes (depending on your flow and supply)
Compared with single pumps, it’s proven that double pumping results in 18% more milk volume over a 15 minute pumping session. This is because both breasts are stimulated at the same time. There are usually 4-5 milk ejections (or let-downs; but it can range between 2-14) during each breastfeeding session, but research has found that an additional milk ejection occurs through double pumping compared with single pumping.
Some mums find that when they express from one breast, the other breast will leak, which is not only messy but a waste of your precious milk. This is due to the let-down reflex (also known as ‘MER’ or ‘milk ejection reflex’) that happens to both breasts at the same time.
Because double pumping is more efficient, it leads to better drained breasts. This assists in the maintenance of lactation.
During a pumping or breastfeeding session, breast milk steadily increases in fat content. Since double pumping drains the breast more effectively, the milk produced is more likely to be higher in calories. This is particularly important for babies who were born preterm or who are not growing well.
Good breast drainage is important for maintaining and increasing milk supply. You’ve probably heard of ‘demand and supply’ when it comes to lactation—the more you feed or pump, the more milk you’ll produce.
You can use a double pump as a single whenever you need to, which means that you can express from one breast while you feed your baby from the other breast. You can have the best of both worlds!