NSW compostable nappy trial may be solution to global waste problem

A compostable nappy trial in New South Wales’ far south coast, Bega Valley, has caught the attention of manufacturers and councils around the world. The trial, deemed a success, could one day see families having a compostable option. They would still have the convenience of a disposable nappy but without the environmental impact.

It’s estimated that Australians send at least 5 million disposable nappies to landfill each year.

Time saving AND eco-friendly 

Of course, many families use an alternative – modern cloth nappies – but for busy parents who find them to be time-consuming with the added task of washing and drying, a compostable nappy would be a total game-changer.

The nappies used in the trial, approved by the EPA (Environmental Protection Authority), are made entirely of compostable material, and secured by a reusable fabric band. After use, these nappies are processed in a commercial composting facility.

Cost a major factor

To take off in the mainstream, the price of these nappies would need to match those of others on the market. For this to happen, there would need to be enough of a demand from consumers. The greater the interest in them, the more likely manufacturers will want to produce them, making them an affordable purchase for parents.

Until that happens, the exciting outcome of this innovative trial is that it will hopefully inspire other brands to make an overdue and incredibly important shift to compostable products.

Reduce environmental impact today

It might still be a few years until we see compostable nappies on the supermarket shelves, but if you’re interested in making the switch to cloth nappies (hint: it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, you can use them alongside disposables), here are some articles to get you started: