Your baby is constantly sticking his or your fingers into his mouth and starts gnawing. This is not unusual because babies do that all the time, but you feel something firm and hard popping out of his lower gums?. his first TOOTH! Your baby is TEETHING!
Now that explains why he’s sticking almost everything into his mouth, drooling and has been so cranky. You should be happy because this is one of the many baby milestones your little one will undertake but your baby will be less excited about this than you.
When the first tooth cuts through the gums, your baby has to endure swollen, painful, inflamed gums for days or even months.
Of course, you want to ease the pain! (who wants to wake up at night and see their baby crying in pain – No one!!!) but you don’t have to go far! You can get remedies straight from your KITCHEN.
You see, you don’t really have to go to the chemist to ease your baby’s teething woes. If you’re in the same boat as most parents are, and are seeking remedies to your baby’s teething problems, hopefully the list above gave you easy ways to help ease the pain of your baby
Teething is temporary but while it is happening to your baby, it is best to have a few remedies to deal with it. The idea that your kitchen is the best place to get teething remedies might sound odd, but it’s true. If you can suggest more remedies found in the kitchen, start sharing?!