10,000 babies strong – GenV reaches new milestone at the Royal Women’s Hospital

World-leading child health research program, GenV (Short for Generation Victoria) has just reached a significant new milestone. Since the project commenced in December 2020, over 10,000 babies and their families have opted to take part.

Those numbers are expected to reach 150,000 in the next 2 years.

The huge step forward in the success of the program is no small part due to GenV’s launch at yet another maternity hospital – the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne. GenV Area Manager for the Women’s and Frances Perry House, Carolyn Mason, declared:

“We couldn’t have involved so many local families in this world-leading research project without the support of the team at The Royal Women’s Hospital, who deliver 10% of all the states’ babies.”  

One parent who had no hesitation in taking part was Christine Wong;

“As parents we want to provide the best care for our kids now and for their future. While we are blessed that our children are healthy overall, we wanted to be part of the program knowing we are part of a bigger healthcare picture that can benefit all Victorian children and their families.”

GenV is today available at 23 Metropolitan and 33 Regional birthing hospitals across Victoria.

It’s this growth that is crucial to GenV’s success. The more families that take part, the stronger the evidence becomes for researchers.

Evidence the team at GenV believe will lead to new ways of solving many pressing childhood problems such as asthma, obesity, food allergies, and mental illness.

Joining the program is simple. Every Victorian having a baby between 2021-2023 will receive information about GenV. A GenV team member will visit or contact new parents in the hospital or as soon as possible after being discharged.

GenV is led from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, and is supported by The Royal Children’s Hospital and the University of Melbourne.

GenV – By the numbers

  • Over 10,000 babies
  • 56 maternity hospitals
  • Over 25,000 babies, mothers and fathers


To find out more about GenV or join the program see here.