How to Break the News to Your Boss You are Pregnant

When to Tell

Most people wait until the end of the first trimester before they break the news of a pregnancy to work. This doesn’t mean you need to also, but you may want to consider telling them before this time under certain circumstances.

If you are suffering from terrible morning sickness and are dashing off to the ladies to be sick frequently, your boss has probably guessed anyway, so it might be worth confiding in them so you have a bit more support. It’s hard enough being so ill at work, but trying to hide it makes it much more difficult.

If you are worried about telling your boss, look up your organisation’s policy manual, this will outline the company’s policy around when you are required to tell them. You are perfectly within your rights to hold off until much later in your pregnancy.

Who To Tell

You should tell your immediate boss, so they can then pass it on to who ever else needs to know. Don’t be tempted to confide in a colleague prior to the official announcement, you run the risk of your boss hearing your news from someone else, at the water cooler.

What To Expect

Mostly, your colleagues (including your boss) will be happy for you and show you support. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. However, if you feel you are being discriminated against or bullied because of your pregnancy you should speak to your HR representative to address this. There are laws in place to protect women from pregnancy-related discrimination, so ensure you are aware of your rights if this disappointing situation arises.

  • Approach the meeting as you would any other work meeting.
  • Arrive on time and be professional.
  • Don’t apologise for your pregnancy.
  • It will help if you are well-informed about your organisation’s maternity leave policy.
  • Offering ideas for a hand over period or an interim plan while you are on maternity leave will you show that you have considered the impact your temporary departure will have on the department.

This is by no mean mandatory, but the fostering of good-will between yourself and your employer is a worthwhile exercise.