Teething can be a drawn out process that feels like it never ends. Once the tooth finally sprouts there’s little down time before the next one starts cutting. It can last up the three years, with the most intense period being between six months and two years old. Given it’s such a lengthy process, we thought we’d provide you with our best tips on how to handle a teething baby.
But first, a bit of background. The first tooth generally appears between four and 10 months, with teething generally complete by three years old, according to the Australian Dental Association (ADA). The first signs of teething include a fussy baby that seems to chew on everything in sight, including their fist. Other symptoms include:
Teething will not make your baby unwell, so if your baby has a fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, a rash or any other symptom that you’re worried about, take them to your GP to be checked.
Chewing on something firm can offer some relief. Specialty teething rings can be placed in the fridge as the cooler temperature offers an extra layer of relief. Never tie a teething ring around your baby’s neck as this is a choking hazard.
Rusks are also useful as they can serve as a distraction as well as provide relief because they are edible. They are the messier option but work well if you’re baby has an appetite. Keeping a cold wash cloth handy will help with the mess, but letting your baby chew on it may also offer some comfort.
Over-the-counter teething gels are also useful for temporary relief, as are homeopathic teething powders. These often provide enough temporary relief to get your baby back off to sleep if they wake up in pain. You could also try a dose of paracetamol, if you think your baby needs it.
Teething is not fun for anyone, but as the main carer it can be very trying. Remind yourself that it’s likely to be worse for your baby than it is for you, so offering them lots of cuddles will help. It may not take away the pain, but will provide some comfort.
If you’re looking for home-based solutions, you can read about our teething solutions from the kitchen here.