Noticed those lovers’ tiffs have become more frequent since your little ones entered your life?
Well the blame can’t all be placed lack of sleep – new research suggests one of the main reasons we clash with our other half is different parenting views.
According to the study, commissioned by Care.com, the average parents argues eight times a month specifically about bringing up children.
According to new research, the average parent argues eight times a month about bringing up the children.
Some of the most contentious issues include self-settling, co-sleeping and giving in to tantrums, while discipline came in at number one for the issue most frequently argued about.
Most parents believe the main reason they argue is because they were brought up differently themselves, while four in ten said it was simply because they place importance on different topics.
“Nobody said parenting was easy,” says Liz Fraser, family expert for Care.com.
“But certainly, talking about the things you disagree on, and trying to reach some kind of workable, peace-keeping compromise, will really make things a lot easier.”
While two thirds of parents reckon their children pick up on mummy and daddy’s opposing views – despite attempts to put on a united front – Liz says that’s no reason to back down if an issue is important to you.
“Don’t sweat every battle. Let some stuff go. But stick to the things you really believe in, and try to find a way to work together on them, not apart.”
The top ten issues causing hostility among parents are:
1. How to discipline their child
2. Giving in to tantrums
3. One parent saying yes to a child when the other had just said no
4. One not following through on a threat of punishment
5. One parent shouting or being too strict
6. Whether to let a baby cry or self-soothe
7. How much to spend on them for birthdays and at Christmas
8. Immediately seeing to a crying baby
9. Letting child sleep in parents’ bed
10. How to reward children
If you are experiencing any difficulties dealing with parenting and need a little extra support contact Parentline.