Motherhood, Losing your Mojo and How to Get it Back

Without a doubt, one of the biggest surprises for new parents, particularly new Mums is not the tiredness, as that’s a given, new Mums expect to be sleep deprived in the early weeks. But the ongoing lack of energy that comes with motherhood is often a complete shock. Some days it can feel that exhaustion pervades every cell of your body, so things that once filled you with excitement just seem like a chore.

In our two-part series, we talk to Fiona Cosgrove, Founder and Director of Wellness Coaching Australia about the many ways you can reclaim your mojo. Fiona outlines some great ideas for reclaiming your energy and zest for life.

Here we look at diet and our approach to food.

Fibre – Not sexy, But Important

Much of our every levels are tied up with our diet. It is such a simple thing, but small changes can make a significant difference to how we feel. Fiona recommends increasing your fibre intake everyday. A time poor (and tired) Mum of a new baby probably doesn’t have the time or inclination to research ways to do this. Consider taking a fibre supplement to reset your system. It can help you feel lighter, maintain your digestive health and remove toxins from your body.

Shift Your Focus – You Are Not What You Eat

Fiona recommends focusing on how you eat, not what you eat. There is so much information on what we should and shouldn’t be eating, often it is conflicting, which makes it difficult if you’re trying to make healthy changes. By shifting your focus to how, where and when you eat, what you eat becomes less of an issue.


Fiona suggests eating regularly, particularly if you are breastfeeding. She stresses that eating breakfast is the best thing you can do for your health. The physical rigour of caring for a baby should not be attempted on an empty stomach. A cup of tea or coffee is not enough to see you through till lunch time.


Another important focus is to eat regularly, going for extended periods without food is when we make poor food choices. Consider this: you haven’t eaten for six or more hours, your blood sugar drops, you get the shakes and you are so hungry that you eat what ever is quick and easy. By eating at regular intervals, this is less likely to happen. If you are going to be out and about, consider taking some healthy snacks with you so you don’t get caught out.

Eat slowly, and mindfully. This is a great piece of advice because it’s all part of ensuring you get an opportunity to stop and switch off. Put devices on silent while you eat, and chew your food slowly as this helps to stop over-eating as well. Mindfulness, in any context will help improve your wellbeing, using it at mealtimes means it does double duty.


We all know that eating in front of a computer screen at work is less than ideal, so while you’re at home, try not to do the equivalent. Keep the TV switched off and focus on the food in front of you. If you have a dining table, use it, as it makes more of an occasion of your meal time. Which, in turn, feeds into getting some down time. Feeling like you have some down time will make a big difference to your overall wellbeing.