10 ideas to make Baby’s First Christmas special

Congratulations, it’s your baby’s first Christmas! Your precious little one is the most wonderful gift you could ask for this year. If you want to make their first Christmas special and memorable for the whole family, here are 10 simple ideas:

10 ideas for Baby’s First Christmas:

  1. Pick out or create baby’s first ornament. You might like to personalise it with their name, handprint, or a photo. You’ll enjoy pulling it out every year when you decorate the tree (even when they’re an adult!).
  2. Try not to overschedule the silly season. It’s an exciting time, but try to fit in some quiet time for your baby, and stick to their routine as much as possible. All of the lights, sounds, smells, and new people can be hugely overwhelming for them – read Christmas Colic – is it a thing?. You’ll enjoy slowing down, too, so lower your expectations this year. There will be other Christmases to see everyone and do all of the things you’d like to or usually do.
  3. Start a family tradition. Your baby might not be able to join in this year, but you can start doing something small and meaningful that you’ll do every year. This might be wearing matching Christmas pyjamas, donating unused toys to charity, baking Christmas cookies, reading ‘Twas the night before Christmas’, or opening a little Christmas Eve box together that you add to each year.
  4. Spend time filling your baby’s love cup. The festive season can be stressful, and usually involves a lot of running around gift and food shopping. Remember to find some time to make it just about the baby. Here is a list of things you could do, plus the importance of doing it.
  5. Buy one special keepsake gift. Even if you or the grandparents go overboard with presents, it’s a lovely idea to give your baby something they will treasure even as an adult. Examples are a tiny engraved bracelet, a silver cup, or start a quilt that you add to each year using the clothes that no longer fit.
  6. Take an annual Christmas tree photo. You don’t have to do the whole Santa photo thing. It’s usually cause for distress for many children (do you blame them?!), so instead find another way to commemorate with a photo. Perhaps take a snap of them beside the tree each year and watch how much they grow.
  7. Have one special Christmas activity. It doesn’t even need to be festive. It could be a walk through a park, having lunch at your local cafe, or dropping off a small gift to a neighbour. Something that gets you into the fresh air, and that you all do together.
  8. Hang your baby’s first stocking. Make sure there’s one for each of you in your growing family. You might like to fill it with simple and inexpensive toys, such as balls, DIY sensory bottles and bags, bubbles, new dummies, teething toys, and a rattle.
  9. Start a photo album to give them each Christmas. Capture all of your baby’s milestones and adventures with family and friends. Create a photo book online or print them out and make your own album, with any little tickets or mementos from the year. It makes the perfect gift that keeps on giving—all children love to see photos of themselves and their loved ones, along with all of the stories that go with them.
  10. Put together a Christmas time capsule. In a keepsake box, place mementos from baby’s first Christmas, including their festive outfit, wrapping paper from their first gift, their first cards, a book you read on Christmas Eve, a recipe you used (even if your baby didn’t eat it). You could write them a letter telling them all about their first Christmas. Store it safely away, and revisit those lovely memories in a decade or more!

Merry Christmas to all of you who are celebrating this exciting time with your baby and the rest of your family! We hope this list helps to make it even more special and memorable for you. Please share any more ideas or photos with us.

From the Newborn Baby team x