We might all feel like the warmer weather is an eternity away as we shiver through one of our coldest winters, but it will be time to Slip Slop Slap before we know it. As such, a local business woman who is passionate about sun protection has launched the “Protect the Potential” campaign in an effort to keep our babies safe from the harmful effects of sun exposure.
Richelle Ellis, founder of BedHead Hats has launched a campaign through her business where for every hat sold online, BedHead Hats will gift another hat either to a person of your choosing, or a charity that services families in need. Richelle has pledged to give away $100,000 worth of sun smart newborn hats in an effort to raise awareness and do something practical to stem the alarming rates of skin cancer in Australia.
According to the Cancer Council of Australia, current evidence shows that sun exposure in childhood plays a pivotal role in developing skin cancer as an adult, and is an important contributor to the lifetime risk of skin cancer. Armed with this statistic, Richelle was increasingly frustrated by not being able to find a suitable outdoor hat for her baby that wasn’t too hot and provided appropriate sun protection.
As a result Bedhead Hats was founded. In her background research for Bedhead Hats Richelle found that “familiarising a baby early on with the sensation of wearing a hat is the first step in teaching responsible sun safety skills they keep for the rest of their life.”
After her mother had a recent scare with melanoma, Richelle was more motivated than ever to create grass roots change by raising awareness and providing the tools that make all the difference to safe outdoor play. Bedhead Hats, through the Protect the Potential campaign is trying to do their bit in the campaign against skin cancer.
The campaign starts on September 15th, 2017 and runs until $100,000 worth of hats have been given away. For each order placed online at www.bedheadhats.com.au, a newborn hat will be gifted or donated. Customers can choose to gift the hat to someone they know, or donate to a charity that helps disadvantaged mothers and babies.
All Bedhead Hats have a UPF 50+ and retail for between $26.95 – $34.95. To be a part of the Protect the Potential community drive visit the website, purchase any product and select ‘GIFT’ or ‘DONATE’ at the cart screen to pass one on to a child in need.