You’re 29 weeks! You really are getting to the pointy end of this pregnancy. You’re probably feeling a bit fed up with it all. Late pregnancy can be tough going, but hang in there! Your baby is about the size of a...
Week 30! Woo hoo! Definitely on the home straight now. Your baby is the size of a cabbage and getting bigger by the day. Baby measures around 27 cm from head to bottom, and weighs about 1.3 kg!
Your baby’s skin is...
Welcome to week 31! Your baby is about the size of a pineapple. There is some major nerve and brain development going on for your baby this week, and they can start to react to light! And you’re probably being kept awake by...
At week 32 all your baby’s organs are functioning as they should be and they are as big as a honeydew melon (but probably way cuter!). They are also starting to shed that fuzzy hair known as lanugo, that’s been covering...
It’s week 33! You’re probably more than ready for you bub to arrive and feeling increasingly uncomfortable, but they aren’t done growing yet, in fact they’re now as big as a jack fruit! Your baby has developed regular...
Yay! Week 34! Yes, that’s a little squeal coming from the NBB team - you’ve got six weeks to go! You really are on the home straight, your baby could arrive at any time so make sure you’ve got your hospital bag packed...
It’s maternity leave time! You should definitely be thinking about winding things up at work. Most commonly, women work until 36 weeks, but do what suits you, your budget and your health. From now until the birth, your baby...
At week 36 your baby's face is starting to fatten up although he or she probably won't come out with chubby cheeks yet. Your baby has pretty much perfected his or her sucking technique in preparation for breastfeeding.
You’re at week 37 and your baby could arrive at any time now. Your baby is now about the size of a watermelon. You’re probably getting lots of phone calls and text messages asking if you’ve had the baby - it can be...
Week 38! Hang in there....only two weeks to go! Your baby is ready to be born at any time now. Problem is, it’s just so cosy and warm in your belly and some babies just don’t want to come out. Your baby has really plumped...
It’s week 39! If you weren’t so tired, you probably wouldn’t believe that you are mere days (fingers crossed) away from giving birth. Your baby is anywhere between 2.5 and 4 kilos and and may measure 40 to 48...
Wooohoo! Week 40! Congratulations may well be be in order! If you’re one of the lucky ones who’s bub didn’t want to wait any longer, a big cheer for you! I hope you’re recovering nicely and learning all you can during...