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What to do if you think your baby has colic

Crying is a normal part of development in babies, but when babies cry a lot, it is often referred to as 'colic'. Colic might start a few days or a few weeks after birth, and is characterised by...

02 Jun 2020

Factors to consider when returning to exercise post birth

The initial first few weeks after having your bub is like a whirlwind, full of excitement and sleep deprivation. You have a newfound love, but also some newfound aches and pains, as your body...

26 May 2020

Nesting isn’t a biological urge, says new research

The idea that pregnancy hormones cause women to enthusiastically clean and organise their house in preparation for the baby’s arrival is now claimed to be a myth. New research into nesting...

How to handle visitors after you have a baby

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby (or babies)! Naturally you want your loved ones to meet your precious newborn, but are you feeling reluctant to have visitors because of the...

21 May 2020

Overcoming baby bath time fears

Whilst some babies love bath time, there are many who simply do not. For the newborns who protest, it’s often a case of them being sensitive to certain sensory experiences. They might not...

Your guide to blissful baby naps: 6-12 months

By around 6 months of age, you might see a pattern start to emerge in terms of your baby’s daily sleep needs. All babies are unique, and some need more sleep than others. Your baby’s mood and...

20 May 2020

Top 20 gender-neutral baby names

Are you keeping the gender of your baby a surprise, and want to have only one name ready to go either way? Perhaps you have a strong interest in giving your baby a gender-neutral name? Not all...

20 baby names predicted to be most popular in 2020

Are you wondering which names are going to be popular this year? Whether you’re pregnant and trying to come up with a baby name, or you’re just curious, the following list could be a good...

19 May 2020

Top lifestyle tips for a healthy pregnancy

If you’re pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, you’ll need to make some changes to your lifestyle to keep you and your developing baby as healthy as possible. You probably already...

08 May 2020

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