Pregnancy Health And Fitness

Iron supplementation in pregnancy and the postpartum period

Iron is a micronutrient essential for overall health and wellbeing. It is especially important in pregnancy and the postpartum period, meaning that iron supplementation is sometimes necessary. It plays a vital role in immune...

Coping with Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormones play a vital role in your body and help to maintain the health and growth of your developing baby. However, these huge hormonal changes can have a range of effects on a woman’s mental and...

Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy: What to know

Shortness of breath is a common symptom experienced during pregnancy, affecting as many as 60-70% of pregnant women. While it is normal to experience some breathlessness, especially during the last trimester, it is important...

Antenatal anxiety: Symptoms and treatment

Pregnancy is a major, life-changing event, and adjusting to these powerful changes can be hard. It’s natural to feel worried, anxious, or stressed to a degree when expecting, but if it becomes excessive or drastically...

Vaginal thrush during pregnancy

Pregnancy isn’t always like the images we see of beautiful women standing in a field of wildflowers, their gown billowing delicately around their bump in the breeze, as the sunset caresses the flawless, glowing skin of...

Breast changes to expect during pregnancy

From the moment of conception, all kinds of weird and wonderful things happen to a woman's body while it starts preparing for the baby’s arrival. Some bodily transformations may be unexpected and come as a bit of a. ...

Down Syndrome diagnosis – What to expect

Prenatal testing is offered routinely to most women in Australia. However, it is your choice whether or not to have it, so it's important to take the time to ensure you have understood the tests, the limitations, and the...

Expressing colostrum before your baby arrives

For various reasons, some babies may require more fluids or nutrition in the early postnatal period than they can get directly from their mother. Your midwife or obstetrician could recommend antenatal expressing of colostrum,...

How to Manage Cold and Flu in Pregnancy

While it may seem like summer is here to stay with the unseasonably warm weather this Autumn, one thing is certain, winter will eventually arrive and with that comes the inevitable colds and flu viruses. A cold and flu ...

Perinatal Depression – When Depression Comes Before Baby is Born

Most pregnant women have some awareness of post-natal depression as it is a clear agenda item for our health care providers. We are told of the signs and symptoms, when and what to look for. But what about when depression...

Antenatal Anxiety and Depression

A change in moods, emotions and feelings is a very normal part of pregnancy.  So many changes are happening for the expectant mother, physically, emotionally and psychologically that some worry and stress can be very much...

Keep fit and healthy during pregnancy

Keeping fit during pregnancy is beneficial both physically and mentally but it’s important to get to know your changing body first and attune yourself to the changes that are occurring in you. While you should consult an...

Pre-natal Exercise Considerations

Exercising during pregnancy is highly recommended as it benefits both the body and mind, helping keep you happy and healthy throughout your pregnancy. But it’s important to remember that things are different now and...

Pregnancy Yoga – A Guide For Expectant Mums

First and foremost, any form of body exercise during pregnancy is important to the health of the mother and child. Pregnancy yoga works great for pregnancy and it has been used for a long time to relax the person's mind and...

Pregnancy Belly And Your Little One

When your body makes a room for your little baby, it's easy to wonder at the physical changes happening to you, especially to your belly. Your pregnancy belly will show to all around you that you are very much pregnant....

Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Being pregnant might make you crave a lot of foods such as hamburgers and french fries. It feels good to satisfy your cravings but you should be careful about how much weight you gain during your pregnancy. Gaining too much...

Overcome the difficulties of sleeping during pregnancy

Fatigue was one of the first symptoms of pregnancy I experienced and it remained with me for the duration of all three. I can’t think of many people who need – or deserve! – sleep more than a pregnant woman, yet...

Massage And Pregnancy

Although pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman’s life, the experience can be incredibly taxing on your body. Along with all the usual symptoms and discomfort of pregnancy, your body can be left achy and sore as a...

Abdominal Separation – Closing the gap

Diastasis of the Rectus Abdominus Muscle Chances are you’ve never heard this term before,  yet two out of three women will experience it as a result of pregnancy. DRAM refers to the separation of the Rectus Abdominis...

Smoking During Pregnancy

Protecting your baby from tobacco smoke is one of the best things you can do to give your child a healthy start in life. It's never too late to stop. Every cigarette smoked in pregnancy harms the unborn baby. Statistics have...

Caffeine during pregnancy

There’s a lot of confusion about caffeine during pregnancy, and if you love coffee, you might be wondering if you need to give up the lattes when you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant. The answer is no, you don’t...

What Are The Effects Of Fish Oil During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, you need to be careful about consuming fish oil and be aware of the facts and effects that fish oil can have on your baby. Don't put yourself and your baby at risk by remaining ignorant of facts and...

Pregnancy stretch marks: Causes, prevention, and removal

Stretch marks are one of the most common side-effects of pregnancy, along with varicose veins, morning sickness, and swollen ankles. Just like these other symptoms, not every woman gets them, but a lot of women do. So what...


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