Latest Ivf...

How to support someone struggling with infertility

If you know someone who is having difficulty conceiving or going through fertility treatment, it can be difficult to know what to do and say (and what not to say) to show your support. It’s...

30 Jun 2022

Victoria’s devastating halt on ‘elective’ IVF treatments has ended

In order to free up more health resources during the current Omicron wave of COVID-19, Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley last week announced that IVF clinics must cancel their appointments...

20 Jan 2022

How long does it take to fall pregnant using Chlomid

Infertility is one of the most difficult circumstances a couple can endure. Usually, by the time you discover infertility, your heart is set on the falling pregnant and welcoming new life into...

19 Mar 2019

Happy Birthday to All the IVF Babies

This week marks the 40th birthday of the first ever IVF baby. On July 25th 1978 Louise Joy Brown came screaming into the world and changed history forever by being the first live birth of a �...

26 Jul 2018

Victorian IVF Laws To Be Reviewed

Victorian IVF laws are to be reviewed to help prevent couples from exploitation during the emotional rollercoaster that is IVF.  Undergoing as many as ten cycles and still not having a baby is...

13 Apr 2018

Fly-In Fly-out Egg Donor Service now available in Australia!

A new fly-in fly-out egg donor service is coming to Australia. A South African-based fertility clinic is flying a group of young fertile women in to Australian to donate their eggs this month....

09 Feb 2016

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