As a busy mother of twins, feeding can be a crazy challenge at times. I am always looking for ways to make it easier and more comfortable for my little ones.
When I heard about the NUK First Choice Anti Colic Bottle with Temperature Control, there seemed to be so many awesome features I hadn’t tried on a bottle before..
I couldn’t wait to give it a go!
First look
I loved the funky, yet sleek design of the NUK First Choice Anti Colic Bottle with Temperature Control, as well as the cute gender neutral spots! The sizes of the bottles are great – there is both a 150ml and a 300ml option, depending on the age and needs of your little one!
The teat is shaped to mimic a nipple, replicating the comfortable motions of breastfeeding. It also has a wide neck, which is convenient for cleaning!
I noticed that the bottle is made of high quality polypropelene, which is BPA free – this is also huge plus.
Ease of use
The temperature indicator on the NUK First Choice Anti Colic Bottle with Temperature Control is very handy – the formula my little ones take needs to be made at 40⁰c, so we usually have to keep checking while we wait for it to drop to a drinkable temperature. With the smart indicator, we just had to watch it turn from white to blue! Very convenient for a twin mum who is time poor!
The anti colic valve is also huge plus – my babies tend to swallow air using normal bottles and can be left with painful colic discomfort, so this feature provided great relief!
The teat shape head I am sure would be great for mums who predominantly breastfeed. However, for my little ones, they had trouble latching on to this new shape. It may just take some getting used to!
The smart indicator is definitely a very convenient feature as it allows you to see if the bottles contents is ready to be used, without doing the wrist test.You can feel at ease that the milk is safe for your little one to drink.
The wide neck bottle makes it super convenient and easy to clean – no fiddling trying to get a bottle brush into the bottle to clean it properly. This can be a challenge with many other bottles on the market!
The anti colic air system is also a huge benefit, especially for those babies that take in too much air and suffer from colic and wind. I loved that the NUK First Choice Anti Colic Bottle with Temperature Control helped to minimise this issue.
There are many features which make the bottle convenient and useful. It is also one of the more affordable bottles on the market, especially for all its great elements.
I would recommend the NUK First Choice Anti Colic Bottle with Temperature Control to other mums, especially those who are breastfeeding and bottle feeding, as the teat may prevent nipple confusion, providing a comfortable and happy feeding environment for your little one!