I love this product! I have been a big fan of Medela products, because I know they are quality! When I was asked to try the Medela Swing Maxi Flex double breast pump, I was so excited as I always wanted one, and it did not disappoint!

First look?

When the Medela Swing Maxi Flex arrived, the packaging looked flash and expensive. Medela yellow just screams good quality for some reason to me.

I was keen to see how a double breast pump would work as I had heard so much about how efficient double pumping was. As a first time mum, I had no experience or knowledge of what to expect when expressing.

Medela Swing Maxi Flex Mum Review

Ease of use

It was my first time using an electric breast pump and I must admit, I struggled with the connections as they were a little fiddly but once together it was simple and straight forward to use. However, I would like to express handsfree – you definitely need the bra if you want hands free pumping as it holds the bottles in place, making double the milk in the same amount of time easy!

Medela Mum Review Sarah Jackson

Useful features

The Medela Swing Maxi Flex double pump is compact and easy to use! The product can be used with batteries – which is great for taking it on the go, or plugged into power! Just chuck it in your nappy bag and off you go, you can pump anywhere! Definitely removes the stress of making sure I have a supply for the baby if I need to go out to an appointment and he is being looked after with your milk supply!


The new PersonalFit Flex breast shields are super comfortable and soft on the breast whilst expressing! The shields provide improved comfort around your breast as well as increasing your milk flow – what a bonus! The shields can be rotated and come with two sizes 21mm and 24mm to fit to your breast shape! I was impressed that there was very minimal leakage once I had finished expressing!

Medela’s 2-Phase Expression technology mimic’s babys natural sucking action and is quite ticklish but does a great job getting my milk out! It is super quick!

I always stress about not having enough expressed milk in case of an emergency.. you know like I need to leave the house for an appointment or something and its longer than expected! The Medela Swing Maxi has been great as I can express enough to store for such occasions.


For double pumping, I would definitely recommend buying the Medela Easy Expression Bustier Crop, which gives you the hand free pumping! 

The product is super easy to clean as well, you can also purchase the quick clean microwave bags, which are a lifesaver for time poor Mum’s! I also paired the product with the Medela breast bags, which I store in the freezer!

Sarah Jackson Medela Mum Review