My experience with pumping is a LONG one. With my daughter (now four) I pumped exclusively for 8 months. During that time I used Avent Phillips, I bought two to double pump. I used the Spectra while in hospital. With my son (who is a premature baby who was born at 25 week gestation. He is now 78 days old. I used the Symphony Medela and Ardo Carum in Hospital. I bought the Calypso for home as it was meant to be “portable”, which it didn’t live up to my expectations or its high price tag. I was then given the new Medela Freestyle Flex portable breast pump to trial.

First look

The ‘Freestyle Flex’ is far superior and the most unique, “state of the art” pump, and I will explain how and why…

The ‘Freestyle Flex’ is so light, (like my premmie baby), so compact and portable and fits in my skirt pocket!

It is so easy to use while wearing the expressing bustier, makes cleaning the house or doing work or at the laptop/desk a breeze. It doesn’t lose suction or tempo when moving or bending. That’s a feature all the other portable pumps I’ve tried previously fail at (they reminded me a bit of 90’s Walkmans, they don’t like movement or being put on an angle). ‘The Medela Freestyle Flex lives up to its name, you are “free” from attachments, and doesn’t weigh you down… but it is also “style”-ish too… doesn’t look like a breast pump at all. (More than half the size of other powerful portable breast pumps with the same oomph!)

Ease of use

As someone who has “unusual breasts” (dense, non saggy breast shape and size and short and thick nipples that are inverted too- sorry for the overshare) and Dermatographica (painful skin condition that is genetic). ‘The Freestyle Flex has helped me that no pump on the market could.

Firstly, it has technology that mimics my baby’s natural sucking action, which is gentler on my nipples and comfortable overall pressure.

Secondly, the shape of the flange/ shield fits and moulds to my breasts like no other on the market (other pump producers must think women have champagne glass shaped breasts). It is contoured to my breast, it is more oval than round, and open.

It is a new design called PersonalFit FlexTM. This improved comfort is shaped around my breast, this provides increased milk flow. The little bit of rubber that flexes around is so clever for seal and comfort (for when you knock the pump against the kitchen fridge). The shield is soft, natural rim with a unique 105 ̊ opening angle, and an oval shape that can be rotated 360 ̊. No other pump on the market has this almost over engineered part. It feels so natural and almost comforting to a engorged breast (in fact the slight vibrating helps remove clogged milk ducts too). The other bonus is the flange comes in 2 sizes in the box and if that doesn’t fit then you can order a larger size from Medela’s website.

Useful features:

A standout feature that makes the Freestyle Flex unique is,  the battery is in built and rechargeable and the battery life lasts up to eight double pumping sessions, which for me is a whole day and night of pumping.

The small size and long battery life enables me to pump anywhere… I pumped at Luna Park under the Ferris wheel and no one noticed. On long trips (ambulance, small plane and helicopter) it is great. Actually more convenient than breast feeding because I can sit next to my bub and pump, while giving bub my last pump via bottle, no need to stop and feed every 1-2 hrs.

Also it can be USB charged in our car, anywhere that has a USB port. Such clever thinking.

It connects to a free app called “MyMedela”. Just download, register and it will track all my pumping, the times and logs the amount I pump too. “Mummy Brain” is a real thing and late night sessions need someone else to do all the thinking. So thanks Medela for doing that for me, and for free too.


This pump has new innovative connections called “PersonalFit FlexTM”. It provides a closed system for milk overflow protection so I can pump in a comfortable position that works for me whilst preventing milk from entering the tubing and motor. (Which is less mess, cleanup and the likelihood that the motor breakdown)


The only flaw is that I wish I could have selected what size flange I wanted, when buying. I am a larger size 27mm in the Medela flanges and it only had the two regular sizes in the box, wish I could have had two 27mm instead. I had to order the 27mm. (Which costs more and takes time).

A bum bag or clip to belt would be handy, but I did put it into my pocket to be completely hands free.You can however, use the wrist strap to carry easily.

I would definitely recommend to other mum’s. Buy this pump, you won’t regret it!