Now you’re a fully fledged member of the trimester two club, it’s time to starting thinking about doing all those things you abandoned in the first trimester because you felt so wretched. Think about doing some exercise,...
Your baby's diaphragm is now developed and they may start to get the hiccups. You may feel this as little rhythmic flutters in your belly. Your baby now measures around 10 centimetres long and weighs about 100 grams. Facial...
By week 17 your baby is around 12 centimetres long - as big as an pear and weighs nearly 150 grams!
Because of this growth you may be able to feel the baby moving inside you which can feel like gas bubbling in your tummy....
Your baby's brain can now start to process the sounds that the ears are sending to it and the retinas in their eyes continue to become more light sensitive.
At 18 weeks, their brain is continuing to develop cognitive...
Exciting times! You’re just around the corner from your 20 week scan! You’ll get to see your little mango on screen. Yep, that’s right, they are around the size of a mango!
Your baby’s skin is now covered in, ...
Congratulations! You are half way through your pregnancy. Your baby should measure about 14 centimetres from crown to rump and weigh between 300 and 350 grams. He or she is starting to develop physical characteristics and may...
By the end of 21 weeks, your baby will measure about 15 centimetres from crown to rump and weigh about 500 grams. Your baby has developed the ability to swallow and can ingest your amniotic fluid but their main source of...
Week 22! past the half way mark and the weeks feel like they are flying by! Before you know it you’ll be cuddling your gorgeous little bundle!
Your baby has started growing hair on its head. Some babies are born...
You’re in week 23! More exciting things are happening on the baby front. To start with, your bub is as big as a grapefruit! While that’s still tiny compared to the average size at birth, it’s ginormous compared to it�...
No doubt you are feeling your baby kicking and bouncing around in your belly - one of the really wonderful things about pregnancy. When all the hard symptoms gets you down, feeling your baby move will make up for it in. ...
Welcome to week 26. Your baby’s spine is about the length of your palm, and in-keeping and about as big as a zucchini.
Your baby’s eyes are forming this week and will start to open in the next few weeks. Cute fact:...