Starting solids is a whole new world of mess, recipe-searching, research, fun, and worry all rolled into one for parents. As if life with a baby wasn’t busy enough, you now have to fit in cooking, mealtimes, cleaning up, and extra washing!
We want you to have one less thing on your plate (pardon the pun), so to reduce any concern or confusion about introducing nuts, which is an allergy food and a choking risk, here is everything you need to know about introducing nuts to babies and how to offer them.
Peanuts and tree nuts (such as almonds, coconut, and hazelnuts) are common allergy foods. You can start to offer them when you introduce solids, which is usually around 6 months (and not before 4 months) when they’re developmentally ready. It’s recommended to give your baby these foods before 12 months.
This also applies if your baby suffers from extreme eczema and/or has an existing food allergy, according to the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) guidelines for infant feeding and allergy prevention. However, before proceeding, speak to your paediatrician or paediatric allergist.
Other common allergy foods include egg, wheat, cow’s milk, and shellfish. You can decide which allergy food to start with first (if you choose eggs as your starting point, read When to introduce eggs).
Here are the steps to offering any allergy foods:
Daytime meals are ideal because it allows you to watch for any signs of a reaction. Reactions are often quite quick, usually within the first 30 minutes, so be prepared to respond if necessary. You might feel less anxious if you have another trusted adult with you for support.
Mild symptoms include:
What to do: If your baby has any of these reactions, and you’re understandably concerned, you could speak to a nurse on the healthdirect hotline on 1800 022 222 or phone the Pregnancy, Birth and Baby helpline to speak to a maternal and child health nurse on 1800 882 436.
Avoid giving them that particular food again and see your GP for advice and an accurate diagnosis and management.
More serious symptoms can indicate anaphylaxis, which is rare but requires urgent medical attention:
What to do: If any of these symptoms appear, call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance or go to your nearest emergency department.
Whole nuts, nut pieces, and nut butters/pastes are all choking risks. So, generally speaking (as every baby develops on their own timeline), here is how to safely prepare and start introducing nuts to babies:
In the beginning:
Between 6-12 months:
From 12 months: