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Going through Pregnancy as a Single Parent

While pregnancy is one of the most exciting experiences a woman can experience, hormones are running riot and it can be an emotional time for many.  So imagine going through pregnancy as a...

17 Apr 2019

Study proves Sleeping on Back during Pregnancy increases risk of Stillbirth

Sleeping on your side during the last trimester of pregnancy reduces the risk of stillbirth by more than half, regardless of which side you sleep, according to a new international study. The...

03 Apr 2019

How Safe are Beauty Treatments during Breastfeeding

Many women are aware of the myths and facts relating to beauty treatments and pregnancy, but what about breastfeeding? Most women are keen to get back to their usual routines following the...

20 Mar 2019

How long does it take to fall pregnant using Chlomid

Infertility is one of the most difficult circumstances a couple can endure. Usually, by the time you discover infertility, your heart is set on the falling pregnant and welcoming new life into...

19 Mar 2019

Another Study Debunks myths linking Vaccines to Autism

Despite a major new study debunking the myth that lifesaving childhood vaccines are linked to autism, the conspiracy continues to linger thanks to the growing cohort of anti-vaxxers.  ...

06 Mar 2019

Can your baby’s weight be accurately predicted by your doctor?

In the final weeks of pregnancy it probably feels like there isn't much more room for your baby to grow. This often leads to pregnant women asking their doctor or care giver how big their baby, ...

05 Mar 2019

The Emotional Pull of Daycare

Becoming a new mum can leave us blissfully cocooned in our baby bubble for those early months, as we focus all of our love and attention of our new little bundle of joy. So when the time comes...

05 Feb 2019

Should Baby share a room with siblings?

In Western society, there’s a tendency for babies to be popped into their own room as early as possible. According to Registered Nurse and Midwife Georgina Dowden, the idea that children...

04 Feb 2019

6 Baby Behaviours that are Perfectly Normal

These days, new mums are bombarded with information, via the internet, books, friends, forums - the list goes on. While an abundance of resources can be helpful, it also means mixed messages,...

31 Jan 2019

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